While exploring the internet and searching for myths that I have not much knowledge about, the legend of 'Cyrene' caught my eye. The legend captivated me and I learned many new things that were previously unknown to me.
I thought I would share this story with you.
Cyrene was Thessalian princess, the daughter of Hypsues, the king of Lapiths, and Chlidanope. She was a fierce huntress, one of the best of her time, and was also known as ''the deer chasing second Artemis'', ''the girl lion killer" and ''a champion in the leafy forest with lion slaying hands". She was one of the many companions of the goddess Artemis, who presented her with two hunting dogs. With the hunting dogs by her side she won the funeral games of Pelias.
She came to be known as 'the girl lion killer' because she wrestled and defeated a lion who threatened to attack her fathers sheep. However, she did not know that Apollo had been observing her as she fought the lion. The Olympian was mesmerised by her bravery and skills and realised he had fallen in love with her, but hesitated to approach her as she was on good terms with his sister, Artemis. He sought advice from Chiron (The trainer of great heroes like Heracles).
Chiron, on hearing Apollo's call, said ,"you have come to this glade her bridegroom.You shall carry her over the sea to the favoured garden place of God. There you shall make her queen of a city, assembling a people of islanders to the ness between two plains; and Libya, lady of fair meadows, shall welcome gladly in the golden house the bride in her glory. She shall be given straightway and in full measure an allotment of earth not without destiny of various growing things, nor unknown of beasts."
Apollo then proceeded to take Cyrene to North Africa in his golden sun chariot. Apollo married her and made her the queen of a rich and fertile land named Cyrene (now modern day Libya) which was located in the region of Cyrenaica. Apollo founded and named them after his wife.
They later had 2 sons, Aristaues, the god of beekeeping and Idmon, the Argonaut seer. Aristaues was entrusted to Chiron and Idmon was brought up and educated by Apollo. After bearing their sons, Apollo transformed Cyrene into a nymph, so she could have a long life and do what her heart desired.
One of her most important and noble deeds was when Eurepylus was still ruling Libya, a grotesque lion had terrorised the citizens greatly. Therefore, Apollo brought Cyrene to get rid of the beast. After she slew the beast on the Myrtoussa (the hill of Myrtees), Apollo stood on the same hill and showed her the land of Libya, of which she was now queen.
I did not know much about Cyrene and I am sure that most of you agree with me. There are so many legends in mythology which you can dive into and explore for days, for they are so fascinating.
Let us see where our explorations take us in my next blog!
wow! loved reading this :-)