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  • Writer's pictureMytho-Nova

Blue - My Comfort Place

All of us have different things that have a special place in our hearts, some have a song they relate to immensely and some have a clothing item given to them by an important person. In my case, it’s a color- blue

Most people associate this color with sadness, hence the phrase- I’m feeling blue.

I don’t exactly remember when blue became such a big part of my life but I think it was around the time I was 4 years old. I had a blue crown which I loved to wear everywhere, until one day my 4 month old sister broke it. I was distraught beyond compare. I realized eventually that it was just a piece of plastic and my sister was definitely worth more than my precious crown, that realization has helped in shaping me as the person I am today.

When I was around 8 years old, I started reading Percy Jackson and I was overjoyed to find out that his favorite color was blue as well. His mother would make him blue pancakes on special occasions and everyone in the fandom has a special spot for blue food, especially the blue cookies, in their heart. This made me feel an even stronger connection with the color.

A year later I started watching Doctor Who, a 900 year old time lord who had a time and space machine TARDIS (Time and Relative Dimension in Space), which was also blue. From that moment forward, blue felt like adventure, like comfort, like that friend who will always be waiting for you no matter what.

A day after my ninth grade finals, the 26th of February, 2020, I got my hair colored for the first time, and of course I had to do blue. I sat there waiting for my hair to become blue, for an agonizing 4 and a half hours but, it was definitely worth the wait. I was over the moon and absolutely loved my new hair color. I thought I’d have to get rid of my blue hair in three weeks, I was wrong. I was able to keep it till the first week of July cause of online school. I was able to color my hair blue again this year and I’ve been happier than I could have ever imagined.

People often ask me often, how could something as simple, as common, as basic as a color, shape you as a person.

It has always been with me, in the most random of ways being by my side through thick and thin. It’s like my best friend, it means comfort, adventure and love among many other things to me. It makes me stronger and more understanding. It makes me feel like me.

Although my dad loved his red car, the colour of his car now………….is blue.

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Aug 02, 2021

Awesome as always


Aug 02, 2021

A brilliant piece of writing Naomi. The simplicity yet the spark in every thought of yours is so relatable. More to you. Look forward to your next.

Aug 02, 2021
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Thank you Aunty 💜


Aug 01, 2021

Beautifully written… and so relatable. At your age, blue and pink were my favourite colours though I had more blue than pink in my wardrobe:)

Even now I can’t stay away from this colour … my friends often tease me that my paintings always seem to have blue in them …

Aug 02, 2021
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Thank you so much Bua ❤


Aug 01, 2021

Well written and very relatable Naomi. Incidentally I too started to find comfort & love in Blue, once I realised that all shades of blue is my truly's favorite as well ... l do have an affliation towards magenta which again is a combo of pink n blue...

Aug 02, 2021
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Thank you Aunty 💜


Aug 01, 2021

I really love the way you put your feelings into words. It’s goes straight to the readers heart. I feel so happy to see another person finding such comfort in a color. Thank you for sharing such intimate piece with everyone. I’m sure like me, a lot of people can relate to this with their own colors. I look forward to more posts from You.

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